Know How To Apply For PMAY Scheme

Know How To Apply For PMAY Scheme

To apply for any scheme, it’s mandatory to know about the scheme and the eligibility criteria. Here in this article one can get a hint of the PMAY scheme and the process of availing this scheme.

Initiated in the year 2015 this scheme was all about providing affordable houses only to the EWS (Economically weaker sections) and the (Lower income groups) LIG. However, the benefits of the scheme were later extended to the (Middle class group) MIG as well. For quick completion, this project was divided into two parts.

  • PMAY-Rural
  • PMAY-Urban

PMAY-Rural caters to the housing solutions in rural area while PMAY – Urban caters solutions to uplift the slums in the urban areas.

With the introduction of this scheme, multiple queries were raised regarding the scheme and the eligibility criteria. As the purpose of the scheme mainly lies in giving affordable homes for all, a lot of eagerness for knowing and availing this benefit was seen. This scheme offers interest subsidy to the beneficiaries, through Credit linked subsidy scheme (CLSS).

The beneficiaries of this scheme are categorized as-

  1. Low-income groups (LIGs)
  2. Middle income groups (MIGs)
  3. Economically weaker sections (EWSs)

This MIG group is further divided into MIG-1 and MIG-2

To avail this scheme the beneficiaries should not have availed any other benefit from any other housing scheme of the government.

Also, the beneficiary should not have any house in his/her name or the name of the members.

The eligibility for all the categories is same except that in case of Low-Income Groups (LIG) and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) require to mandatorily include female ownership, which is not the same for middle income groups (MIG).

How can you apply for the PMAY scheme?

The process of applying for this scheme is made smooth and easier by just filling in the necessary details. This can be done both online and offline.

To apply online

Log in directly to PMAY scheme –

You need to choose the benefit that you wish to apply – Depending upon the benefit that you are applying you will be required to fill up multiple forms.

You would require filling in your Aadhaar card details hence this makes it mandatory to have an Aadhaar card.

Those who wish to opt for the credit linked subsidy scheme can directly approach the empanelled banks who are offering home loans.

The subsidy amount will be directly injected into the account of the beneficiary which will reduce the outstanding amount of the loan.

To apply offline

You will be required to visit the Common service centre (CSC) that are operated by the State Government in case you wish to apply for the scheme through offline mode.

You will be required to fill an offline form along with a small GST fee of Rs. 25.

This fee cannot be collected by any private individual or any company.

 Although there are two modes of application. The online method is considered to be simpler and faster. You can also apply for this scheme at different banks from where you are availing the home loan.


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