Why and how to follow Google algorithm updates

Why and how to follow Google algorithm updates

Why and how to follow Google algorithm updates? It is essential to manage this information if you want to improve the SEO of your site or simply to understand the reasons why your ranking has fallen. Read on to find out more.

Google’s algorithm

Google makes hundreds of updates a year to its algorithm, most of which go unnoticed. Others are from the core and they can become more notable for websites.

The most widely used Google search engine algorithm is a system used to obtain information from the search index. Thus offers the best results to the queries made by users who use Google.

This search engine algorithm signals the sites to their ranking position of the results page (SERPs). You can consult a digital marketing specialist to do this job for you.

Some updates are well known in the SEO and online marketing world such as Panda, Penguin or RankBrain. This is because they have a great impact on the history of web positioning and cause changes in the ranking of many sites.

The rest of the updates, which are small, pass unnoticed. Some of them are quality calls and what they want is to offer better search results to the people.

Initially, little was known about updates, when they happened and what they were about. But in recent years Google has disclosed the most relevant changes in different ways. Contact dubai SEO Company for better guidance on that.

Knowing why and how to follow Google algorithm updates will help you stay up-to-date with these changes. It is not always easy, as we have already said, the search engine does not make all its news public, nor does it say what to do before them or reveal what to do to position yourself.

Almost always the great secret of Google before an algorithm update is to publish quality content, help the users and offer them a good experience.

The algorithm is not a way to punish sites. But rather to reward those who offer what we just mentioned.

Google algorithm updates confirmed in 2021

The confirmed updates are those that somehow, either through statements or via Twitter, Google has revealed.

  1. Core update for January. These are the most important, there was a great fluctuation for three days.
  2. Featured Snippets, January. Results of this type will no longer appear as organic results. That is, those who ranked with featured snippets will not repeat their link as an organic result.
  3. Core update for May. It is considered as the second most important update since the “Medic” in August 2018. This was announced by Danny Sullivan via Twitter.
  4. Google Glitch: The search engine confirmed a failure in its indexing system.

Why and how to follow Google algorithm updates

The volatility of the search results is an indication that Google has made a change to its algorithm, that is, an update.

  • There are people who are dedicated to observing and analyzing this.
  • Some tools also help to identify an update
  • There are also the confirmations by search engines.

Reasons to stay up to date with Google algorithm updates

If you dedicate yourself to SEO optimization you must know about algorithm updates or either discuss it with a local seo expert. You should also know this if you create content, are a webmaster or an owner of an online store.

Because major changes to Google’s algorithm can affect your SEO strategies and tactics.

A change in the algorithm can affect aspects such as:

  • The ranking and visibility of your website in the SERPs.
  • The organic traffic you receive.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) and Profits.

The bottom line is that with Google doing hundreds or perhaps thousands of updates a day, there is likely to be a daily change. Some people and studies indicate that on average there are three changes a day.

Although of those hundreds or thousands of updates, not all are relevant to you. You should track down the most relevant and important ones, but also don’t let this become an obsession.

Google is the most popular and widely used search engine and it achieved this because it gives a good experience to users. They make their profits through ads, it’s their way of monetizing the search business.

When Google makes an alteration in its algorithm it is generally because it wants to improve the user experience. It does not do it so that this or that website falls in the ranking. Another reason for these changes is to correct mistakes or to make adjustments to a previous update.

How to Know About Google Algorithm Fluctuations

The following are the sources that will help you track updates in the algorithm:

Statements on Twitter

In recent years, the main source to learn about an official change in the algorithm is Twitter. Danny Sullivan and John Muller profiles, as well as official ones, such as Google Search Liaison @searchliaison, and Google Analytics @googlewmc.

Follow industry leaders like Moz, Search Engine Land, Matt Cutts. This will help you stay informed on this topic.


It is a Moz page that presents you the fluctuations in the algorithm in the style of a weather report. It gives you the “temperature” that represents how moved the algorithm was daily in the last month.

The hotter or stormy the day is, the more Google’s rankings have changed.

SEMRush Sensor

It is one of the best tools to track any fluctuation in the Google algorithm. You will be able to see if the rankings change in both the mobile and desktop versions of the search engine. It divides them into more than 20 categories, by device, SERP characteristics, and location.

In addition, you will be able to check the volatility of the SERP. And the domains that improved or fell in the last 30 days.

Accuranker ‘Grump’ Rating

It is a Google ranking tracker, it is paid and only has the option of the free version for 14 days.

Monitor Google Analytics

By using this monitoring tool you can see your website traffic and other metrics. If you notice a sudden drop, it could be an indication of a change in the algorithm. In addition, you will learn what are the normal fluctuations of your traffic. This way you will know how to differentiate what always happens from a novelty.

Set up Google alerts

You can create Google alerts on this topic, you just have to go to google.com/alerts. There place the word or phrase about which you want to receive alerts, ideally it is in English because it is the language in which the information on this topic is published first.

Put words like Google algorithm update, Google update, among others.

History of algorithm updates

If your question is not about whether there is a recent update, but about the changes in recent years, go to the History of Google Algorithm Updates in Moz and SEMRush.

Real-time algorithm fluctuations

In Web Positioning you can see the fluctuations in the Google algorithm. It shows you the risk of changes provided by RankRanger, a popular tool.

By seeing the fluctuations you will be able to make any variation and adapt your strategy to this.


This tool developed by Dejan allows you to monitor selected keywords and see fluctuations. Recognize both negative and positive movements. Join the SEO forum to get the latest updates on google algorithm updates.

A high volume indicates a high volatility in Google results, a low one indicates that it is an ordinary day. You can select between the mobile and desktop version.

Other options are Panguin Tool, CognitiveSEO Signals.

You can use many tools to monitor the change of the search algorithm. Most of them are very easy to understand and tell you about the relationship between fluctuation and a drop in organic traffic.

What to do after an update of Google algorithm?

Although we tell you how you can know when there is an algorithm update, you should not live checking this at all times. You shouldn’t stress over something new, because you can’t really control it.

What you can control is how you optimize your website and follow the advice that Google gives after an important announcement. Lately, they give recommendations like following the guidelines for webmasters, offering good content and a better user experience.

After a core algorithm update do not panic. If it is very important and it was not announced, check if it really impacted you, if your website fell in the ranking due to a manual action or a technical problem. Updates like mobile-first indexing are released early so sites can prepare.

Do not rush to make important changes to your website thinking that you will return to the position you were before. It is best to patiently review the data. Also read information from reliable sources about this novelty, wait to see what the experts say.

Once you can think calmly and analyze the situation, if necessary make adjustments in your SEO strategy and in the tactics to increase the ranking position of your website.

How to ensure long-term SEO success

Knowing why and how to follow Google algorithm updates will help you. But you don’t have to constantly worry about these changes. It is crucial for you to optimize the site in the best way always, following the practices that Google recommends.

  1. Purge the content: this is about reviewing what content is not working well and how you can improve it. You can eliminate it by placing a redirect to a suitable URL, or convert several pages with little information into one, here you will also need to do redirects.
  2. Check for broken links: This is an aspect that offers a bad experience to users, and it is something that Google does not want. Also check that the images on the web are working well.
  3. Correct Google Search Console errors: this Google tool can be your best friend for SEO, they will send you an email if they detect errors on your website.
  4. Earn the trust of Google and the audience: an aspect that is becoming more and more valuable to the search engine is trust, part of its EAT motto.

In general, you can minimize the chances of being impacted by an algorithm change by following good SEO practices. Also if you avoid spam tactics and black hat SEO, because perhaps they will get you a position in the short term, but a big problem in the long run.

The best thing is to know your audience, create good content, which is relevant, authoritative and trustworthy.

Knowing why and how to follow Google algorithm updates will help you be aware of any fluctuations that affect your ranking.


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